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How To Identify The Root Cause Of Your Foundation Problems

If your home is experiencing cracks in the foundation, this is not normal. Your home foundation might be damaged and might need to be repaired. Your first step will be to examine your foundation and you might then be able to determine if you need help from a foundation repair contractor.

Warning Signs of Foundation Damage

You'll be able to identify problems with your foundation if you inspect your walls for signs of wall rotation. The wall might also separate around certain areas of your home such as the windows, wall, or garage door.

There are various sections of your foundation that might become damaged. Your foundation might be broken or cracked. You may have cracked bricks. Your molding might also be out of place. Inside your home, you might notice cracks in your floor and your floor might also be uneven. These problems should not be ignored because they are likely to only get worse.

The Primary Reasons Why Foundations Become Damaged

One of the most likely reasons why your foundation is damaged is because your home has been built on expansive soil. This means that your soil expands and contracts. If only part of the foundation settles or heaves, this creates pressure that can cause the foundation to crack. The difference in movement results from differences in soil moisture. 

Shrinkage and swelling occur due to a reduction in or increase in soil moisture. The fill soil might also have not been properly compacted when your home was built or the soil might have been compromised by an earthquake. Some regions simply have problems with their foundations as well and you will need to have your foundation repaired if you begin to notice warning signs of damage.

The Consequences of Foundation Damage

When foundation issues are not addressed, the structure of your home might become damaged. This can lead to the real estate value of your home being significantly reduced. However, there are various methods that a foundation repair contractor will use depending on the extent of the damage done to your foundation.

Have Your Home Foundation Repaired

Slabjacking is commonly used for more minor foundation issues. Through holes in the concrete slab, the contractor pumps grout which solidifies to create a concrete mass that will then support your foundation. However, for more severe issues, you may need to have hydraulic piers put in place so that your foundation can be stabilized.

Contact a home foundation repair contractor to learn more.